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108 Inversions

Year : 2018 – 2020

Dimension : 1200 x 1200 mm each

Technique : Charcoal on paper

The idea for 108 Inversions came about from the following factors:

  • Drawing on large format, but not bigger than I could handle the paper with my own arms.
  • Training my ability to see.
  • Doing 108 drawings was a number I chose which was high enough to really get into the project, while low enough that the series could be finished in a limited time period. 108 is also a recurring number in the yoga culture, even though that reason isn’t important, it just came to my mind and suited what I wanted to do.
  • Drawing the same organic shape, a human body, and doing it in different configurations.
  • The materials I use for the series, charcoal and paper, are natural.


One thing I learned when I was an art student was that in order to create a state of expansion one should work on large format. And work with a tool that pushes you to work with bigger movements than when using just one’s wrist. The large format demands that you stand up, which facilitates the whole body to be part of drawing the lines. It makes you step back now and then in order to see the whole extent of the picture. In this series I worked with a charcoal stick, which isn’t nearly as precise as a sharpened pencil.

As with all my work, the two most important things are:

  • That my doing the work is expanding my consciousness.
  • That my work expands other people’s consciousnesses.

Though I believe that with an expanded consciousness my work will also be good and strong.